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Coordinating Care Is a Logistical Endeavor [INFOGRAPHIC]
Helping a Managed Care Organization Expand Services to Members
LogistiCare works with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) across the country. Helping them keep their members healthy and safe isn’t just a mindset, it’s a mission. So when one of our MCOs came to us and asked if we would expand our... Continue Reading Helping a Managed Care Organization Expand Services to Members
Health Care Researchers Look to LogistiCare for Industry Data Providing Insight and Analytics into Medicaid Expansion Waivers for NEMT
Being a thought leader in an industry means playing an active role in how it’s shaped. As the largest non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) manager in the country, we’re often called upon to help researchers and advocates look at... Continue Reading Health Care Researchers Look to LogistiCare for Industry Data Providing Insight and Analytics into Medicaid Expansion Waivers for NEMT
Our Members Are a Diverse Group
Now, Members can reach us on their terms Continue Reading Our Members Are a Diverse Group
How the NEMT Business Works and the Mandates That Are in Place--All in the Name of Access to Health Care
If you can’t get to your doctor’s appointment it doesn’t do much good to have a Medicaid benefit. Non-emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) plays one of the biggest roles in regards to Medicaid Members’ access to health care. Medical... Continue Reading How the NEMT Business Works and the Mandates That Are in Place--All in the Name of Access to Health Care