LogistiCare became aware of a small boy in Texas named Bryan who would need to be flown to Boston Children's Hospital for immediate heart surgery.
Traveling almost 1,600 miles during a time of crisis would not be easy--even under the best of circumstances. The State of Texas would only cover transportation costs for the Medicaid member and one family escort. So the parents would have to choose who would stay and who would go. Clearly, having just one parent by a child's side during this critical time was not something any of us wanted.
When alerted of the dire family situation and the precious time doctors felt their patient had to get to Boston for his emergency heart surgery, Texas-based LogistiCare representative, Rachel, got to work.
Rachel immediately contacted the father and arranged for him to also make the trip (courtesy of LogistiCare) from Fort Worth to Boston. Rachel personally made all the arrangements for the father who had never travelled by airplane before. She walked him through the entire travel experience as it was occurring - everything he needed to know so he was able to get to his son's bedside in time to be with him for his surgery.
From advancing the family funds for cab fare, hotel accommodations, and meals in Boston, to giving them her personal cell phone number to call if they needed it, Rachel did whatever it took. Her quick thinking and swift action to book the father's air travel, guide him through his first flying experience, and obtain advance funds enabled the family to stay in Boston with their son.
The little boy's condition was grave from the outset and unfortunately he did not survive the surgery. Though heartbroken, the family was grateful to Rachel and LogistiCare for helping them all be together till the end.
In an e-mail sent to the LogistiCare staff that helped the family, Julie, the PRN Social Worker assigned the case, said "Thank you for helping to give this family the peace of mind to know they were able to do everything possible for their son." She continued, "Thank you for reminding me that there is still good in this world."
NOTE: Names have been changed to protect the rights of our members and partners.